It is likely that one of the best recent examples
(Barack Obama is not recent) of a Democrat cleaning up an economic
disaster and outperforming a red state is Minnesota’s Democratic
Governor Mark Dayton. Now, what is unique about Dayton is that besides
being a politician, he is a certified member of the one-percent and a
billionaire; albeit one with conviction to serve the people.
When he took office, Dayton inherited a $6.2 billion budget deficit from Republican Tim Pawlenty who claimed and prided himself as being the “first truly fiscally-conservative governor in modern history;”
a title economic failure Sam Brownback of Kansas now proudly claims as
his own. Pawlenty’s claim to fame, like Brownback et al, and greatest
source of pride, was that he never ever raised state taxes; he also
never created more than 6,300 jobs
in eight years, or ever displayed his fiscal conservative bona fides
(see $6.2 billion deficit) when dealing with the state budget.
Enter billionaire Mark Dayton who raised the state’s income tax on the rich by 1%, guaranteed equal pay for women, and raised the minimum wage. The results speak for themselves. In less than four years, Governor Dayton added 172,000 new jobs
to Minnesota’s economy; 165,800 more his first term than Pawlenty added
in two terms combined. Republicans claim higher income taxes kill jobs,
and Minnesota’s tax rates are the 4th highest in America, but the
state’s unemployment rate is 5th-lowest in the nation at 3.6%. The
state’s median income is also $8,000 higher than the national average
that is a major contributor to economic growth and perpetuates
down-stream job creation; something Republicans reject out of hand and
claim is impossible.
As of last year, higher state taxes and higher
government spending has Minnesota’s private sector job growth higher
than pre-Republican Great Recession levels, and the state economy is the
5th fastest growing in the nation. It is the kind of a statistic that
inspired Forbes to rank Minnesota in the top ten best states for
business. Gallup says economic confidence in Minnesota is the highest in
the nation, and it is a result of doing exactly the opposite of what
Republicans and the Koch brothers convinced states like Kansas,
Illinois, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Wisconsin to do; cut taxes for the
rich, cut education, and impose harsh austerity measures.
For a comparison with a neighboring state with Republican governor, Koch employee Scott Walker’s famous “Wisconsin Open for Business” agenda has Wisconsin sitting at a distant 32nd
on the Forbes top states for business list, Wisconsin’s job creation is
38th in the nation, and Wisconsin is tied with Iowa for last place
in the Midwest for creating private sector jobs. Where Dayton’s tax
hikes on the wealthy have Minnesotan’s income $8,000 higher than the
national average, Walker drove his state’s median income down to $900
below than the national average; a result of imposing ‘right to work’
laws and abolishing workers’ collective bargaining rights. Remember that
Walker equated eliminating worker rights with crushing violent
extremists and murdering terrorists; all he crushed was economic
prosperity for Wisconsin residents.
It was not an easy ride for Governor Dayton’s
economic agenda, and except for typical Republican opposition, Dayton
did not have to resort to heavy-handed pressure for support. In typical
GOP style, state representative Mark Uglem did precisely what
Republicans at the state and national level always do when Democrats
propose raising taxes on the rich; fear monger that businesses would
flee the state en masse, kill jobs, and wipeout the economy. The same
economy Republicans and Pawlenty spent eight years destroying.
Uglem issued a stern warning to Governor Dayton saying prior to the 1% tax hike on the wealthy and guaranteed that “the job creators, the big corporations, the small corporations, they will leave. It’s all dollars and sense to them.”
It is a tired, worn-out warning that Republicans parrot by rote
regardless they are always wrong and the opposite is always true.
Despite the Republicans’ claim that an agenda that
includes raising taxes and the minimum wage would eviscerate the state’s
businesses, kill jobs, wipe out revenue, and deny workers the wealth
Republicans promised tax cuts for the rich would produce, the results
speak for themselves. Dayton’s results, like any Democrat’s results,
were that within one year of his tax hikes an additional 6,230
Minnesotans filed in the top income tax bracket, and that higher
revenue provided the state with a $1 billion budget surplus that Dayton
pledged to reinvest over a third back into the public schools.
Where Dayton accomplished enacting his agenda was
through gaining electoral support from the people the right way;
actually making it easier to register to vote by creating an online voter registration
system. The reason Gov. Dayton was able to radically transform
Minnesota’s economy into one of the best in the nation was also not
unique and utilized a very simple accounting scheme and basic arithmetic
California Governor Jerry Brown used; not some magic theory or voodoo
economics to enrich the wealthy. Dayton increased revenue by raising
taxes on the wealthy that always turns a deficit into a surplus just
like raising the minimum wage will increase the median income every
time. It is a typically Democratic practice and the polar opposite of
Republican governors such as Scott Walker, Sam Brownback, Chris
Christie, Piyush Jindal, or any GOP governor piling on debt and deficits
and cutting services to preserve tax cuts for the rich.
Republicans claim businesses love and demand the
conservative economic agenda, but according to states like California
and Minnesota that is a blatant lie. In any state where education is a
high budget priority coupled with economic growth leading the nation, no
businesses wants to leave the state. What is curious indeed, is why
voters continue electing Republicans to increase deficits, cut services,
and kill jobs just to give the rich more wealth. What is even more
curious, is why voters fail to see that every stinking time Republicans
are in charge at the state or federal level, they squander surpluses,
pile up crushing deficits, kill jobs, and retard economic growth;
something a Democrat has to spend time repairing.
Perhaps with so many Republican failures at the
state level, one would think red state voters can look to their blue
state neighbors, come to their senses, reject stupidity, and get a clue.
In the case of imbeciles in Wisconsin, they should be capable of seeing
that yet another blue state, one on their Eastern border, is
outperforming their typically Republican governor’s red state failure.
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