Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Launch Contains The Message That Republicans Fear Most

Hillary Clinton’s video launch of her 2016 presidential campaign contained the message that Republicans fear the most. The government is supposed to work for all Americans.
The Clinton video placed a heavy emphasis on ordinary Americans of all ages, races, and both genders. Hispanic voters were prominently featured. There was a nod to gay marriage at 52 second mark. The most interesting aspect of the video was that Hillary Clinton doesn’t make an appearance in the video until 1:31 of the 2:18 video when she said, “I’m getting ready to do something too. I’m running for president. Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. Every day Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion.”
The message that regular people deserve a champion in government runs contrary to the Republican mantra that government should only work for those who have the most money.
In the post-Citizens United political landscape, the message that people can beat unlimited campaign contributions from anonymous wealthy donors is a powerful one. Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign has a clearly populist theme. There is none of the “in it to win it” messaging that hindered her run for the Democratic nomination in 2008.
The Clinton campaign seems to understand and has embraced the leftward movement of the Democratic Party. Republicans are terrified of the message that the government is supposed to work for everyone. President Obama won re-election by campaigning on middle-class economics.
Hillary Clinton looks to be following in his footsteps, as she has come out the gate with a message that attacks the GOP’s Achilles heel.

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