Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Bernie Sanders Drops A Reality Bomb On Chuck Todd And Meet The Press

Bernie Sanders shook up the boring Sunday show pro-Republican status quo by bringing liberalism and truth to Meet The Press.
Transcript via Meet The Press:
CHUCK TODD: You know, you’ve always been hesitant to contrast yourself with Secretary Clinton. But you have, you make certain subtle differences by saying on some of these issues, where she now agrees with you, you welcome her over and you emphasize you’ve had these positions for a long time. Why should that matter? Why should that matter to a voter that you’ve held this position for a much longer say on TPP–

BERNIE SANDERS: Good question.
CHUCK TODD: –than Secretary Clinton?
BERNIE SANDERS: Yeah, okay. I’ll tell you why it should matter. And let me be very clear. I mean, I happen to respect and like Hillary Clinton, so I don’t get into personal attacks, you know that. But are there differences of opinion that should be discussed? Of course, there are. That’s what that election is about.
To answer your question, what it’s about is at a time when so few have so much and when the big money interests have so much political power, the real most important question is, who is prepared to mobilize the American people to stand up to these very powerful and wealthy special interests? Whose track record for the last 25 years has been to say to Wall Street, “You know what? We are going to have to break up the large financial institution.”

CHUCK TODD: Well, that’s a trust issue. You’re basically saying, “You know what? I’ve been there so you can trust that I’ll never leave that fight.” With somebody else who gets there late, you think it’s perhaps a trust issue.
BERNIE SANDERS: No, I mean, Keystone Pipeline, all right? I believe that climate change is the great global crisis that we face, environmental crisis. From day one, I opposed the Keystone Pipeline because I believe that if you’re serious about climate change, you don’t encourage the excavation and transportation of very dirty oil. That was my view from day one. TPP.
I believe that our trade policies going way back when. I voted against NAFTA, CAFTA, PNT, all with China. I think they have been a disaster for the American worker. A lot of corporations that shut down here move abroad. So people will have to contrast my consistency and my willingness to stand up to Wall Street and corporations, big corporations, with the secretary.

The media loves to wrap every story about Hillary Clinton as a matter of trust. It’s the corporate media’s go-to storyline when discussing the Clintons, but trust implies that Hillary Clinton is a bad person with suspect motives.
The interview itself featured Sanders delivering a dose of liberal views to the conservative Sunday show platform. Sanders talked about TPP and Keystone in ways that get virtually no attention in the mainstream media. Let’s face it, the only time Wall Street greed is discussed in the mainstream press is when Bernie Sanders is mentioning it.
The left does not get media attention to a degree that is proportional to their numbers. In the Sunday shows ever want to be relevant again, they need to feature the left, because their wingnut bias is out of touch with reality.

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