Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Dear World: I Would Like to Apologize for the Republican Cabal

by Allen Clifton
The Iraq War is a prime example. Because of the shrub’s incompetence, much of the Middle East has been destabilized which has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths (including over 4,400 American soldiers) and the largest terrorist uprising we’ve ever seen.
Even when it comes to climate change, instead of being the global leader, setting the example on green energy that other nations would certainly follow, we’re stuck arguing with idiots who bring snowballs to Congress to “prove” that climate change isn’t real.
As thousands of Syrian refugees desperately seek a place to go, the United States should be leading the charge to reach out and help these folks find a place to escape almost certain death. Instead, Republicans are too busy playing petty partisan politics, fear-mongering for the sake of exploiting hatred for votes.
It’s sickening.
Instead of being a nation pushing the idea that terrorists are the enemy – not all Muslims – we have one leading Republican pretender candidate suggesting that we should track Muslims in a database much like the Nazis did to Jewish people, while another leading candidate compared refugees to “rabid dogs.” To say nothing about the others who only want to grant access to 'christian' refugees – a move that only ends up helping Islamic radicals.
The United States is supposed to be a beacon of hope and acceptance; instead, we have tens of millions of Republicans driven by irrational paranoia and fear. These are people who claim to love America, while seemingly hating the majority of Americans.
The United States is not what Republicans are trying to turn it into. We’re not a nation where any religious litmus test must be passed; where one religion is meant to rule over others; where discrimination is legal; or where hate and intolerance are widely accepted “values.”
We’re not ignorant fools like Trump, Carson, Cruz, or Huckabee. We’re not people who embrace stupidity while attacking education. People who view diversity as some sort of “attack” on our “American values.” At least we’re not supposed to be, but that’s clearly the type of country Republicans are trying to create.
As a progressive, I promise that myself and many others like me will continue to speak out against the idiocy many Republicans seem so proud to display. We’ll continue to stand against racism, sexism, discrimination, injustice and the ongoing desire by many within the Republican cabal to turn the United States into a “white religio-wingnut 'christian' theocracy” built upon inexcusable bigotry that’s in complete contrast to what this nation stands for.
While it won’t be easy, I do believe ultimately that we will win. As long as the resolve amongst progressives and liberals stays strong, and they show up to vote (which is key), there’s nothing keeping us from saving this country – and in many ways much of the world – from the dangerous ideologies that drive the Republican cabal.
But in the meantime, let me apologize to everyone for the Republican cabal and their stupidity. As a progressive, I am absolutely ashamed that these folks represent part of my country.
I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that the entire world doesn’t have to endure another Republican in the White House. The last thing any of us should want, be it in the United States or abroad, is a repeat of what we all had to endure during the shrub junta.

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