Check Out The Picture The Wingnut Base Is ‘Outraged’ Over
Oh those silly wingnuts. It must have been a slow Fox ‘News’ day when they came up with this one.
picture, showing the president with his hand near his heart is
meant to cause an uproar of outrage among the imbeciles who frequent
pages like Nation In Distress. The First Lady, looking as stern as can
be with arms folded, just refuses to acknowledge the country they think
she hates.
It took me all of three seconds to notice the painfully obvious fail. See if you can spot it:
That’s right, it appears that NOBODY else has their hand over their
heart. Does that mean that all of those service men and women hate
their country and only the President cares?
That doesn’t quite fit the mold, does it?
The simple truth is that this is just another reason for the right to
spew hate over nothing. It’s another opportunity for the ignorant
buffoons who don’t have three seconds to spare to call Michelle Obama a
Wookie or “Moochelle.”
How very clever.
This isn’t the first (or second, or third, or fourth) time a picture
like this has appeared. They are either taken completely out of context
or blatant photoshops.
The most famous has to be the “left hand over their hearts” photo,
that can still be found circulating through wingnut covens and
This obvious bit of photoshop went so far as to move the President’s
lapel pin to the correct side, but forgot about his buttons. That and a
simple search for the original image makes this one especially
My personal favorite is the “getting off of Air Force One holding
hands” conspiracy theory. Wingnuts claim that the Obamas are some
sort of arranged marriage between a trans-gender woman (Michelle) and
her gay husband (Barack). To prove it they claimed that the only way
they could be seen holding hands like a “normal” couple was via
Oh my. You would think that with the resources of the Federal
government at their disposal that the Obamas could have done a better
job of faking this one. Here’s an original picture of their arrival that
day. Amazingly, Michelle only has two hands:
Dislike for politicians is an American tradition. Satire about them
is something political cartoonists have been doing for a couple hundred
years. This, however, is intentional defamation for the purpose of
creating more hate, if that’s possible, towards a President who has done
more for this country than the last three Republicans combined.
Luckily, only the painfully stupid will buy this crap, giving the rest of us plenty to laugh at them about.
Editor's Note: July 25 -2015
We had an anonymous reader ask why we were so mean on this post.
Sorry to disappoint you but we are not the mean ones here.
This post is about how the wingnuts treat the First Lady - and 'mean' would be an understatement.
Normally we do not respond to any anonymous comments (we will not post any anonymous comments, ever), as a matter of principle.
However here either the questioner is naive and misread the post or a wingnut troll wanting to whine that we are being mean to them.
So we responded to the naivety with a factual answer.
If it was a wingnut troll all we can say is tough, you are mean and ugly people and will be treated accordingly.