Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Daily Drift

Welcome to Today's Edition of The Truth Be Told.
Hey, wingnuts, yeah we're talking to you ...!  
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President Obama Comes Out In Full Force For Criminal Justice Reform

By Pete Souza (White House (P012813PS-0831)) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
This is why we love him.
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Ryan Asked To Name One Thing He Can Accomplish In The Next 6 Months, Can’t Come Up With Answer

Ryan says it would be ‘ridiculous’ to work with Obama on immigration

Ryan said on Sunday it would be Republicans have fought Obama’s unilateral steps that bypassed a gridlocked Congress to try to shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation.

Ryan Doesn’t Want To Give One More ‘Red Cent’ To Planned Parenthood

Paul Ryan Doesn’t Want To Give One More ‘Red Cent’ To Planned Parenthood (VIDEO)Paul Ryan promises to continue the Republican cabal’s witch hunt “investigation” into Planned Parenthood.

Ryan: Paid Leave Doesn't 'Make Any Sense' For Workers, But I Deserve More Family Time

Fox News corners Ryan for demanding more family time while blocking paid family leave

Paul Ryan speaks to Fox News (screen grab)Fox News corners Ryan for demanding more family time while blocking paid family leave

The Truth Be Told


Will Wants Someone Sympathetic To Republicans To Host Their 'Debates'

I wonder if Will feels the same way about the Democrats?

They Admit “He Sounds Like A Fourth-Grader” But Republican Cabal Voters Want This Republican To Be Pretender

Most people think that supporters of both American political parties would want to nominate the best and brightest candidate to represent them ...

Cruz: Let ‘real journalists’ Hannity and Limbaugh host Republican cabal 'debates' instead of ‘left wing operatives’

Ted Cruz put a layer of paranoia on top of the Republican cabal’s faux outrage over being asked questions they didn’t like during Wednesday night’s primary debate on CNBC.
Wow, the Delusion is STRONG in this lunatic - Hannity. Limbaugh, "real" journalists ... yeah, and the boil on my neighbor's cat's ass is really a  magical crystal ball that predicts the winner of the superbowl correctly every year.

Fiorina: ‘There’s a double standard’ because nobody mocks Hillary Clinton’s appearance

“Wingnut women from Palin to Bachmann to Fiorina are long used to this,” she added. “It will not stop me, it will not scare me.”
Sorry to burst your bubble of denial but there is no "double" standard - there is only one standard and you and all other wingnut women fail and fail utterly to meet.
Your 'appearance' is not what is being mocked' it is your total lack of character, morals, personality, responsibility, etc., that is being mocked. 

Maine Republican busted for anti-muslim Facebook rant has extensive history of racist posts

With an election on Tuesday, a Maine Republican who was caught posting an anti-Muslim diatribe on Facebook is trying to do damage control by apologizing and saying he never read the entire rant before re-posting it on his own page.

Carson blames reporters as his story about trying to stab a friend falls apart

The problem for Carson is that the accounts of his story have varied depending upon which of the books he personally authored someone is reading.

Religio-Wingnut ‘Christians’ Denounce Freedom Of Religion For Others During Protest In Texas

This is proof that religio-wingnut “christians” think religious liberty only applies to them. After the Cult of Lucifer opened a cult in Spring, Texas ...

John Oliver Explains Why He Gives Zero Fucks About Trump

Watch John Oliver Explain Why He Gives Zero F*cks About Donald Trump (VIDEO)
“He’s an open book and that book doesn’t have that many interesting words in it.”
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Colin Powell Hates Trump But Says He’ll Stay A Republican “Because It Annoys Them”

Colin Powell Hates Trump But Says He’ll Stay A Republican “Because It Annoys Them” (VIDEO)Powell said that it wasn’t he that left the Republican cabal.
It’s the Republican cabal that left him and they are becoming less and less mainstream.

Rubio Thought Nobody Would Find These 4 Skeletons In His Closet

Marco Rubio Thought Nobody Would Find These 4 Skeletons In His Closet
Rubio thought he could get away with hiding these skeletons in his closet.
He was wrong.

Jindal Ordered To Reinstate Planned Parenthood Funding

Back To The Dark Side: Cheney's Pax Americana

Back To The Dark Side: Dick Cheney's Pax Americana