Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Daily Drift

Welcome to the Thursday Edition of The Truth Be Told.
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All the truth and nothing but the truth.
~ Stephan Furst
Hey, wingnuts, yeah we're talking to you ...!  
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Republicans make bad music - Hello, Ted Nugent ... !
Today is - International Music Day
Don't forget to visit our sister blog Carolina Naturally

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The 10 best presidential campaign parodies

'Late Show' host Stephen Colbert 'responds' to Donald Trump's campaign announcement on June 16, 2015. [CBS]
Here are the 10 best presidential campaign parodies

Chinese President Details Wide-Ranging Carbon Pollution Pledge At White House

President Obama Walks Into A Federal Prison, And What Happened Next Will Cause Wingnut Rage

It’s like President Obama takes the teachings of jesus seriously, and Republicans won’t be pleased about that at all.

Lena Dunham Goes Where Others Haven’t In Her Interview With Hillary Clinton

Lena Dunham Goes Where Others Haven’t In Her Interview With Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)
This is really great.
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12-Year-Old Boy To Carson: ‘I Will Become The First Muslim President’

12-Year-Old Boy To Ben Carson: ‘I Will Become The First Muslim President’ (VIDEO)
Remember this kid’s name.
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Fiorina’s Meeting With Putin Was Much Different Than What She Portrays

Carly Fiorina’s Meeting With Putin Was Much Different Than What She PortraysUt-oh! She is going to hurt for this one. Since her campaign began, she’s frequently portrayed her past meeting with Putin as somehow making her “tough on Russia.” Here’s what really happened.

Good Luck Explaining This, Hypocrite

Good Luck Explaining This, Hypocrite: Carly Fiorina Heads Charity That Supports Abortion GroupFiorina Heads Charity That Supports Abortion Group
In light of her “outrage” over video footage that doesn’t exist, Fiorina may turn out to be the biggest hypocrite of them all.
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)
Cruz vows to introduce ayatollah to ’72 virgins’ if he steals the pretendership

West Point grads want to see Republican’s military record

West Point grads want to see Republican’s military record after he questions women’s fitness to serve

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) announces his entry into the presidential race on April 13, 2015. [Marcorubiolive.com]
Rubio has an astoundingly low opinion of women’s intelligence

Trump Campaign Continues To Implode After Embarrassing Attack On AP Photographer

Trump woos religio-wingnut ‘values voters’ by waving bible and promising to make stores say ‘Merry Xmas’

Donald Trump (YouTube)Trump woos religio-wingnut ‘values voters’ by waving bible and promising to make stores say ‘Merry Xmas’

Kentucky idiot Kim Davis switches to Republican cabal

Kim Davis is flanked by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) and attorney Mat Staver in a rally on her behalf in Grayson, Kentucky on Sept. 8, 2015. [Right Wing Watch]This bitch was never a Democrat. Bigots like her are always Republicans - some just try to pass for anything but Republicans, but we know better and they are too stupid to realize we know they're closet Republicans
A county clerk in Kentucky who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples said  that she and her family have switched to the Republican cabal because the Democrats no longer represented them, the problem with that is Democrats never 'represented' them in the first place.

Supremes must support special rights for 'christians'

Shrieks from the Abyss ... 
Ken Klukowski, a Family Research Council 'official' and Breitbart hack, spewed bile at the Values Voter Summit, where he howled that 'religious liberties' were under attack by secular liberals.

Wingnut base already hates McCarthy as much as they hated Boehner

With the surprise announcement by Republican Boehner that he is stepping down, speculation immediately turned to who will be his replacement before his seat at the Republican leadership table even had a chance to grow cold.

Israel Finally Admits The REAL Reason They Want America To Bomb Iran

Israel Finally Admits The REAL Reason They Want America To Bomb Iran
You didn’t REALLY think Israel was afraid of a nuclear Iran, did you?
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Wingnuts Laugh At Dead Muslims As Tragedy Leaves Over 700 Dead

Conservatives Laugh At Dead Muslims As Tragedy Leaves Over 700 Dead
What kind of monsters laugh at the death of hundreds?
Wingnut, of course.
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Limbaugh's Latest Conspiracy Theory: Obama Hijacked All The Wingnuts!

Fox Yakker: 'jesus Was A Capitalist!'

The Stupid, It Burns ...
Fox Yakker: 'Jesus Was A Capitalist!'