Republicans have no ideas or plans for real problems, so they’ve
invented a new problem in order to look like they’re doing something and
naturally that new “problem” is women’s liberty.
You may have noticed that this Congress is even
worse than the last Congress, which made history for doing almost
nothing. Now that Republicans control the Senate, we are seeing the same
sort of unbelievable dysfunction that runs the House. So we can’t pass
infrastructure or jobs bills. The House even let the 81-year-old
institution of the Export-Import Bank charter expire on July 1st, causing the business community to blast Republicans for not knowing what they were doing. Indeed.
Let’s not even go near their stunning failure to
even come up with an immigration plan, an Iran plan, an alternative to
Obamacare, or any of the things they shout about the most.
There are no plans. Republicans have no plans. So,
left holding the bag on numerous grown up issues, Republicans have
decided to double down on the one thing they know they can agree on–
restricting freedom from women.
Sure, they’ve had “missteps” in the past when it
comes to women, but they are sure that this time, oh sweet misunderstood
video, this time you are on their side.
This was a job tailor made for them! Investigations
and witch hunts into a cultural issue they are sure they can squeeze for
votes? Yes, please. A way to distract from their inability to get
anything related to their jobs done? Yes please! Gruesome video they can
get hysterical about and preach down to us all about? YES PLEASE!
reported that Republicans see an up for them in yet another wingnut-funded, secretly filmed video, in that they can now show
you this video and you won’t mind so much when they take women’s rights
Republicans on Capitol Hill are betting the secretly filmed Planned
Parenthood video — depicting an executive allegedly discussing the sale
of fetal organs from terminated pregnancies — will give them cover to
more aggressively push abortion issues without the political
ramifications that have haunted the cabal in the past.
As soon as the Planned Parenthood video was released
publicly days ago, Republicans pounced. For some reason that they
haven’t explained, they waited until the video was public, but
several Republicans admitted to having seen the video weeks or a even a month before it’s public debut.
That sort of reeks of coordination, and if Democrats weren’t busy
trying to save the country from Republicans, maybe they could call for
an investigation, but no matter — Democrats aren’t in charge so that
won’t be happening. But at any rate, starting with Bobby Jindal
(R-LA, reptile) and then John Boehner (R-OH, reptile), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA, reptile) and
Steve Scalise (R-LA, reptile) called for Congressional investigations to
investigate if Planned Parenthood was selling body parts.
This is probably a good time to remind everyone that Planned Parenthood never said they were selling body parts in the video.
That didn’t stop Republicans from claiming they did, or now from
investigating something that was never suggested. But hey, if you had
free access to taxpayer money and you couldn’t get anything real done
and needed to impress voters for an election, why not stage yet another
“investigation” and use it to show that you were busy– so busy. You’ve
been working!
Also, harvesting body parts is not illegal, it’s
called medical science in fact and it might be gross to some but it
saves lives.
Politco noted that Republicans see a window here:
McCarthy is already
talking about defunding the organization through the appropriations
process. And in the Senate, Republican cabal leaders who have been eying a vote on
legislation banning abortions after 20 weeks of gestation say this will
give them momentum to clear the bill later this session.
So. Expect Republicans to do nothing else but make a
big show of their Benghazi investigation (years in and nothing yet) and
now this- an investigation into a video that showed nothing they are
investigating. The only reason they are “investigating” the video is
because they had their activists point at it and accuse Planned
Parenthood of something that is not even in the video, but guess what?
It gives them a chance to show you how “gruesome” an abortion is.
And delving into blood and making a horror show of
it is what Republicans do best. They don’t solve actual problems like a
lack of affordable healthcare, but they were super good at trolling the
people who were trying to solve that problem with horror and blood –
“death panels” and “socialized medicine killing babies!” and literal
coffins being left on lawns. This is what Republicans have come to- they
are a horror show. An endless horror show of reactionaries with no
I’m betting a lot of us wouldn’t like to see a video
listening to a heart surgeon describe their bloody work or what they do
with body parts. But maybe Republicans should leave medicine to the
folks who specialize in it, especially since Republicans can’t even seem
to do their own jobs. The jobs we are paying them to do. Maybe they
should just focus on the basics, things that were done routinely for 80
years until this Congress.
Republicans can’t do their job so they’re coming for women’s liberty. Again.