Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Editorial Comment

Just a cursory read on several wingnut sites and we find that we are getting under their scales.

The Truth is an itch you can't scratch away no matter how hard you try and the wingnuts are too stupid to know this so they keep trying - of course failing utterly while doing so - it only makes the itch worse.

We want to thank our readers from around the globe for spreading the word about The Truth Be Told and increasing our daily readership (and doing so even faster then the word is spreading among the wingnuts that someone is telling the truth and exposing their lies so they must 'stop' them grapevine).

After only a month we have quite a loyal following, thank you for that.

As you may have noticed on the right column - April is National Humor Month, so expect some humor herein ... of course with wingnuts, the humor will be easy to find - they are all jokes, bad jokes we grant you but jokes nonetheless.

So to kick things off we're posting this prime example of wingnut stupidity:
First off the 'Mullet' was never a hairdo it has always been a hair-don't
Second - If the big red lettering and arrow do not highlight it for you (yes, wingnuts we're talking to you) then you should know the idiot couldn't even spell the word that quite aptly befits him.
Third - Just forget number 3, we'll let the stupidity speak for itself ...

Oh, and as an aside:
For the troll(s) trying to link this blog to the homophobic pizza parlor's 'wingnut fear mongering/fund raising'  - WalMart, NASCAR, SalesForce and Angie’s List have all come out against the new law.

So while it may be true (and IT'S NOT*) that winguts are raising money for the bigoted pizzeria that stated on air that they wouldn’t cater a gay wedding (with pizza?), the real big money has spoken: You have lost the culture war against gays.

And yes, you read that correctly even that Paragon of wingnut masturbatory fantasies NASCAR and that Bastion of Liberalism, Walmart have come down on Indiana's throat.

*The GoFundMe campaign is a wingnut media scam. .. so that makes the very stupid troll(s) attempting to link the bogus 'fundraiser' to this blog look even more stupid

Face it, wingnuts, you have lost and lost badly as you have and will forever do on everything and anything every time.

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