Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ann Coulter’s Appalling Demographic Engineering

Ann Coulter thinks it's "Adios America" unless we can keep out overweight women, the physically disabled, and the visually impaired…
Well…that will certainly save America for future generations of Joe McCarthyites.
Of course, on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty we find the words, “Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” a spirit alien to Coulter, and to her hatred of the constructed Other.[3] The statue that welcomed so many generations of immigrants doesn’t exclude overweight girls, the physically disabled, or the visually impaired.
Coulter’s reactionary demographic engineering is entirely out of step with the spirit of America, not only as captured on by Statue of Liberty, but by recent polling numbers.
We have already seen that nearly three in four Americans favor permitting undocumented immigrants to remain in the U.S.
And President Obama has just promised to keep fighting for undocumented immigrants.
It would no doubt gall Ann Coulter to see our first black president, allegedly both a Muslim and a Kenyan, in lockstep with current American attitudes, that is if she exhibited any self awareness at all.
The perfect world of Ann Coulter would be all white, all “christian,” and, it goes without saying, uniformly Republican.
It would, in short, with its commitment to ethnic nationalism and demographic engineering, more closely resemble Nazi Germany than the United States of America.

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