Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Donald Trump Thinks African American Youths Are Worse Off Under Obama Than Slavery

Asked about race relations, Donald Trump blamed Obama, saying, "African-American youth is doing worse than virtually it's ever done." …
One reason the Republican Cabal must be so pleased to have Mr. Perpetual Bankruptcy running for Pretender AGAIN is because he really knows how to put their ideas out there, and they believe that they could win the White House if only they could get their ideas across.
So here you go. Trump Idea #1: African Americans are worse off under President Obama than at virtually any other time in history.
The Donald imparted his Republican wisdom, “African-American youth is doing worse than virtually it’s ever done.”
Asked about race relations in this country, Donald Trump thought the best thing he could do to add to the debate was to blame President Obama for making things worse than they’ve ever been for African American youth.
“We have an African-American president, I was never a fan… and certainly you would have thought he would be a cheerleader for African Americans who are really suffering right now more than anybody else in terms of jobs and everything else.”
“So you have an African-American president and African-American youth is doing worse than virtually it’s ever done. I mean we’ve had some pretty bad times in this country but virtually it’s ever done. And you would think that couldn’t have happened with Obama as president.”
In all of history, including slavery, the birther who doesn’t believe Obama was born in this country thinks African American youth have never suffered so much. This couldn’t be due to the Bush recession. It must be the first black President’s fault!
Rest easy white people! It’s Obama’s fault. That old favorite whinge of Republicans: “Wah, Obama. Fix it, daddy. Too hard to solve real problems. We’ll just be screaming in the corner and pointing fingers!”
It’s hard not to appreciate the wisdom of Donald Trump. I mean, whenever we’ve had a white president, which has been always till now, no white people were poor. The Great Depression? Obama’s fault.
So forget Obama’s push for raising the minimum wage and his healthcare reform achievement that brought affordable insurance to millions of Americans who previously had none. We’re not talking policy. We’re talking inflammatory rhetoric and blame.
Can we all just imagine what Trump has done for African Americans? Aside from blaming the first black President for the actions of white people against African Americans, I mean.
Maybe this kind of rhetoric isn’t helpful?
Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign with a rambling, and insane rant that claimed that Mexicans are bringing rapists into the United States. Trump also declared his love for Chinese communism and said that he should be president because he is really rich.
Trump wants to install corporate bosses to run America, ostensibly because they would make it rich, which doesn’t really make sense since so many corporations don’t pay taxes and only survive because the government subsidizes them or they declare bankruptcy Trump style. But also, corporations are not known to assist minorities, or really anyone but their profit line.
No matter. Donald Trump is getting out those Republican ideas, y’all. And Idea #1 is everything is Obama’s fault. So fresh!

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