Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Jeb Bush Whines That Science Is ‘Arrogant,’ World Laughs In Disgust

by Allen Clifton 
The “debate” over climate change is one of the most absurd topics I write about. Here we have the overwhelming majority of the world’s scientists agreeing that humans are the leading driver of climate change, yet because many of our politicians have been bought and paid for by big oil, we’re forced to waste time dealing with complete idiots trying to perpetuate the idea that human-made climate change is just all one big liberal hoax.
But perhaps the most well-known line by many of our politicians who don’t want to seem quite like they’re denying climate change (but they sure as hell don’t want to say it’s real either), is, “Well, I’m not a scientist.” When I hear one of these politicians say that, all they’re doing is proudly showing off their stupidity.
Just ponder that for a few seconds. When presented with scientific facts that have been determined by scientists, their response is, “Well, I’m not a scientist.” Well, guess who is a scientist? The person who provided the scientific information you just dismissed.
It’s all just absolutely absurd.
Well, Jeb Bush decided to take this anti-climate change rhetoric a step further by calling scientists who overwhelmingly believe humans are driving climate change “arrogant.”
“For the people to say the science is decided on this is really arrogant, to be honest with you,” Bush said. “It’s this intellectual arrogance that now you can’t have a conversation about it, even. The climate is changing. We need to adapt to that reality.”
He also went on to say that he doesn’t view climate change as our biggest threat. I guess in his mind terrorism is a much bigger threat than not having a planet capable of sustaining human life. Then again, I guess that is the ultimate way to rid the world of terror, right? No human beings?
Though there’s a huge amount of irony in Bush’s statement. Here we have someone who’s not at all qualified to determine anything about climate change on his own, arrogantly telling those who’ve devoted countless hours and much of their lives to science that they are the arrogant ones for using science to come to the conclusion that humans are causing climate change.
I think Bill Nye says it best when he talks about people who deny science often using scientific uncertainty to create irrational doubt. Just because scientists can’t exactly predict how the climate will change, what timeline we’re looking at or what precisely is going to happen doesn’t mean that their determination that humans are causing climate change isn’t accurate.
Then again, none of this is really about the science behind climate change, but rather the money flowing into these politicians from big oil companies. Because it’s not a coincidence that practically every policy that Republicans support as it relates to energy, climate, the environment, drilling or regulations in general almost always favors big oil.

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