Political Truth.
Whether you like it or not.

Monday, May 25, 2015


1 in 4 renters use half their pay for rent
the problem with journalism is journalism
DEA agent & employee arrested for running a strip club
how austerity killed the humanities
the pathology of the rich white family
barbie quits her job at seaworld
strange radio signals that baffled astronomers for 17 years turned out to be their microwave oven
Monsanto paid internet trolls to attack activists
the military under-reports sexual assaults
Indiana cult plans pot smoking service to test religious freedom
Lindsey Graham: "i blame Obama for Iraq, not Bush"
Cheney thought al Qaeda was bluffing
Norway will be the first country to switch off FM radio in 2017
sick and tired workers: an epidemic
capitalism could not exist without slavery in the developing world
investing in Amtrak could save tens of thousands of lives
how for-profit prisons became the biggest lobby nobody talks about
why birds don't crash
Canadians are using the prime minister's name as a swear word
overworked America: 12 charts that will make your blood boil
bat-winged dinosaur fossil found in china
Rand Paul is fighting for your privacy -- unless you're a woman
Mike Huckabee vs. the modern world
developers are considering building a mall at the grand canyon - leave your opinion here
urban ants love junk food
5 horrible ideas the republicans will never let die
Gallup: most Americans think college is not affordable
help Baltimore by restoring voting rights to ex-felons
10 facts about people of color and the criminal justice system
Coors sued for selling blue moon as a craft beer
biologist report first wild bison births in Alaska in a century
it's David v. Goliath in Seattle as kayakers protest shell oil
workers rally against Wells Fargo corporate greed
the 40 hour work week is a thing of the past
Alex  Jones is actually dangerous
voting machines in Virginia are easy to hack
the new jersey AG's office accidentally recommended a sex line
newly discovered frog species looks just like kermit
36% of non-retirees expect to rely on social security
about 150 u.s. workers are killed on the job every day
challenging American exceptionalism 
Michael Brown shooting witness: police are harrassing my family
why gay marriage is winning, but abortion is losing
archeologists find a mass grave of medieval bodies under a parisian supermarket
Utah fracking firm hires BP exec involved in deepwater gulf explosion
was the baltimore curfew legal?
solar future isn't just likely - it's inevitable
pew research: America is becoming less christian, more secular
epic drought: lake mead hits historic low
have we reached the point of no return on climate change?
Entrepreneur files suit claiming Uber stole his idea
republicans account for most cases of voter fraud
in terms of political trends, liberals just do better
will robots and algorithms permanently replace humans in the work force?
the "obscenocracy" of American politics
study shows atheists have higher IQ's and more self-esteem than religious people
millionaire carly fiorina took 4 years to pay staffers from her last campaign
jeb bush would have invaded iraq just like his brother
constitutional conservatives are neo-confederates
today's gop is the party of jefferson, not lincoln
the rise of the new black radicals
chinese funeral strippers
arizona domestic violence victims die from gunshot at twice the rate of the u.s.
time before nipples
10 more accurate names for the pro-life movement
Uber, but unionized
what's behind the Dyson vs. west dust-up?
7 ways racism affects children
is the tide turning against water privatization?
the woman who filed the brief against homosexuality has her lawsuit dismissed
do feed the trolls
the pre-school to prison pipeline
13% of Americans think they might lose their jobs
and 1/3 of Americans have less than $1000 saved towards retirement
the religious breakdown of same-sex marriage support
the payday loan crisis: borrow $100, owe 36 times that
the supreme court:  ignoring the constitution
there's a scientific consensus on guns - and the NRA won't like it
Ex-CIA says GOP lied to the public about Benghazi
we have too many kids
7 lost American slang words
the inhumane seat re-design that airlines might soon use
if Democrats acted like republicans
states hostile to abortion are also hostile to women's equal pay
the hidden FM radio inside your pocket, and why you can't use it
senior citizen files hand-written lawsuit on behalf of god against homosexuals
5 lies about the estate tax
10 diseases medical marijuana could have on impact on
a guide to campaigns, pacs and super-pacs
why liberals are more intelligent than wingnuts 
Hilliary's appeal survives recent scrutiny according to poll
Baltimore police wrongfully kept 40 minors in jail during Freddie Gray protests
survey:  100% of french women experienced sexual harassment on the subway
support for the death penalty at its lowest in 40 years
the Irish are fighting back
economists think economy is the coolest of social sciences
the lost chapter from a wrinkle in time
TSA trained Disney and Seaworld how to spot terrorists
Garland, Texas is a hotbed of anti-muslim bigotry
if you're born poor, you'll probably stay that way
Texas high school finds that abstinence program is a great way to spread chlamydia
50% of Americans are very or moderately concerned about their finances
climate change threatens 2/3 of rabbit species
but wingnut extremism is still a threat at home
a rising tide sinks all boats
a Baltimore policeman admits to plotting to oust the mayor 
Michigan prosecutor resigns after posting "shoot them" comment about Baltimore protestors on facebook
Germany is the tell-tale heart of America's drone war
study finds anti-abortion attitudes linked to misogyny
maple syrup fights superbug bacteria
your pain reliever may be diminishing your joy as well
wall street's scheme to own American education
the cost of gun violence
seeing "age of ultron" this weekend? our fear of a robot apocalypse has been around for 200 years
Americans subsidize McDonald's and wal-mart's low wages to the tune of $153 billion a year
Bernie Sanders outraised cruz, rubio and paul in the first 24 hours of his campaign
scientists may have an Alzheimer's break through
ALEC exposed
cutting through the police propaganda in Baltimore
U.S. is 'world leader' in child poverty
the culture of violence among police
is global warming a greater threat than terrorism?
david simon, creator of the wire, hmocide and the corner, on baltimore's anguish
"suicide hotline.  please hold."
the NRA dictates gun violence research
the remarkable persistence of crackpot economic theories of the gop
dispatch from Baltimore
sea world's ads about whale life spans in captivity are false
Gallup: Hillary Clinton is the most admired woman in the world 13 years in a row
bare knuckled boxing is safer than gloved fights
poll finds gay people more popular than evangelicals
today is worker safety memorial day
why the middle class is doing even worse than you think
how corporate greed invented christian America
walmart sued for wage theft
last Saturday: the night TV news died
horrible: pets killed over unpaid fines
science museums urged to cut ties with the kochs
the world's happiest people are in Latin America
the rush to humiliate the poor
massive underground settlement discovered in turkey may have housed 20,000 or more
17 states where you're more likely to get killed by guns than a car crash
13 ways republicans have declared war on Americans
18 to 29 things you didn't know about young workers
11 natural wonders to see before they disappear

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